Monday, September 17, 2007

Joellyn Sabrina's blog.. a little late.

Announcing the (belated) launch of Joellyn's website. It seems she got a little jealous of Kyla's site. Ok, not really. She actually didn't know Kyla had a site first, but if she knew, she would have been jealous. Still, the girl's been asking me to make a website for her for months now. Ever since I told her that I make websites for a living. However, what she wanted was something like a personal site, with lots of games. I had to tell her that daddy's websites are all administrative sites, and that he doesn't know how to make games.

I do know how to make blogs on blogger, thoa. And Upload some pictures. Granted, the site has some catching up to do, but I am sure we all won't mind reliving the glory days of Joellyn's 1st 6 years on the planet. So we start with Joellyn's birthday. Her real birthday. Val, I tried to keep as much of your boob out of this as possible.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great, I added a link to her blog in the links section.

Only problem is, the link no worky?